James D'Emilio
Selected Academic Articles and Reviews

1. My contributions to my edited volume, Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 58), edited and translated by James D'Emilio (Leiden, E.J. Brill, 2015)

"Preface," pp. ix-xxiii.

"The Paradox of Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe," pp. 3-123.

"The Charter of Theodenandus: Writing, Ecclesiastical Culture, and Monastic Reform in Tenth-Century Galicia," pp. 281-342.

"Epilogue: Future Directions in the Study of Medieval Galicia," pp. 949-61.

Section Prefaces: "The Suevic Kingdom: Between Roman Gallaecia and Modern Myth," pp. 126-9; "Early Medieval Galicia: Tradition and Change," 246-50; "Galicia in the Iberian Kingdoms: From Center to Periphery?" 362-6; "Compostela, Galicia, and Europe: Galician Culture in the Age of the Pilgrimage," 464-75; "Language and Literary Culture: From Latin to Galician-Portuguese," 838-42; "Modern Galicia and the Middle Ages: Castros, Castles, and the Camino de Santiago," 914-6.

2. Selected Articles in Journals and Edited Volumes 

"Decolonizing Art History," eds. Catherine Grant and Dorothy Price, Art History 43:1 (2020), 8-66 (pagination differs in the issue) (my contribution is at pp. 13-15 in this PDF)

"Widows and Communities: Cistercian Nunneries and Their Architecture in the Kingdom of León (1150-1300)," Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses 66:3 (2015), 223-302.

"Cistercian Architecture on the Iberian Peninsula," in The Cistercian Arts from the 12th to the 21st Century, eds. Roberto Cassanelli and Terryl Kinder (Montreal: McGill University Press, 2014), 125-144, 418-420.

"The Cathedral Chapter of Lugo in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: Reform and Retrenchment," in Cross, Crescent, and Conversion: Studies on Medieval Spain and Christendom in Memory of Richard Fletcher (The Medieval Mediterranean 73), eds. Simon Barton and Peter Linehan (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2008), 193-226.

"Inscriptions and the Romanesque Church: Patrons, Prelates, and Craftsmen in Romanesque Galicia," in Spanish Medieval Art: Recent Studies, ed. Colum Hourihane (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007), 1-33.
The copyright for this work is held by the Index of Christian Art at Princeton University and it is posted here with their permission.

"The Art of the Cistercians in Galicia and Portugal: A Review Article. (Arte de Cister em Portugal e Galiza/Arte del Císter en Galicia y Portugal)," Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses 58 (2007), 305-27.

"The Legend of Bishop Odoario and the Early Medieval Church in Galicia," in Church, State, Vellum and Stone: Essays on Medieval Spain in Honor of John Williams (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 26), ed. Julie Harris and Therese Martin (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2005), 47-83.

"The Royal Convent of Las Huelgas: Dynastic Politics, Religious Reform and Artistic Change in Medieval Castile," Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture, ed. Meredith Parsons Lillich, vol. 6 (2005), 191-282. Winner of the 2005 Bishko Memorial Prize awarded by the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies.
The copyright for this article is held by The Liturgical Press, Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN 56321-7500 and it is posted here with their permission.

"The Cistercians and the Romanesque Churches of Galicia: Compostela or Clairvaux?" in Perspectives for an Architecture of Solitude. Essays on Cistercians, Art and Architecture in Honour of Peter Fergusson, ed. Terryl Kinder, co-edition Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses (Studia et Documenta 13) and Brepols (Medieval Church Studies 11) (Turnhout, 2004), 313-27.

"Writing is the Precious Treasury of Memory: Scribes and Notaries in Lugo (1150-1240)," in La collaboration dans la production de l'écrit médiéval: actes du XIIIe colloque du Comité international de paléographie latine (Weingarten, 22-25 septembre 2000), ed., Herrad Spilling (Paris: École des Chartes, 2003), 379-410.

"Looking Eastward: The Story of Noe at Monreale Cathedral," in Image and Belief: Studies in Celebration of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art, ed., Colum Hourihane (Princeton: Princeton University Department of Art and Archaeology, 1999), 135-50.

"The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: The Making of a Provincial Art," in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Galician Studies, vol. 2, ed., Benigno Fernández Salgado (Oxford: Oxford Centre for Galician Studies, 1997), 547-72.

"La formación de la parroquia en la Galicia medieval," Relaciones: Estudios de Historia y Sociedad (El Concepto de Región en Ciencias Sociales) 18, no. 72 (1997), 59-86.

"Los documentos medievales como fuentes para el estudio de las parroquias e iglesias gallegas: el distrito de Monte de Meda (Lugo)," Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos 43, no. 108 (1996), 37-96. 33.

"Working Practices and the Language of Architectural Decoration in Romanesque Galicia: Sta. María de Camporramiro and its Sources," Arte Medievale 10, serie 2, no. 1 (1996), 69-90.

"The Building and the Pilgrim's Guide," in The Codex Calixtinus and the Shrine of St. James, eds., John Williams and Alison Stones (Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1992), 185-206.

3. Selected Book Reviews

Review of Diane J. Reilly, The Cistercian Reform and the Art of the Book in Twelfth-Century France. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2018, in Studies in Iconography 41 (2020), 216-18.

Review of Peter Reed, Church Architecture in Early Medieval Spain c. 700-1100. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2016, in the  Bulletin of the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 42:2 (2017)

Review of Julio Escalona and Hélène Sirantoine, eds. Chartes et cartulaires comme instruments de pouvoir. Espagne et occident chrétien (VIII-XII siècles). Madrid: CSIC, 2013, in American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain 2017.

Review of José Luis Senra, ed. En el principio: Génesis de la catedral románica de Santiago de Compostela--Contexto, construcción y programa iconográfico, in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 75 (2016), 232-34. It is posted here with the permission of the University of California Press and the Society of Architectural Historians.

Review of Alan Deyermond and Martin J. Ryan, eds. Early Medieval Spain: A Symposium. Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 63. London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010, in  La Coronica 41:2 (2013), 260-64.

Review of Brett Edward Whalen, ed. Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Reader. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. The Medieval Review, 2013 [13.06.03]

Review of Daniel Rico Camps, Las voces del Románico. Arte y epigrafía en San Quirce de Burgos. Murcia: Nausícaä, 2008. Speculum 85 (2010), 734-36.

Review of María Bullón-Fernández, ed., England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century. Cultural, Literary, and Political Exchanges. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. The Medieval Review, 2008 [08.01.06]

Review of Reyna Pastor, Esther Pascua Echegaray, Ana Rodríguez López and Pablo Sánchez León, Transacciones sin mercado: Instituciones, propiedad y redes sociales en la Galicia monástica. 1200-1300. (Biblioteca de Historia, 36.) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1999. Speculum 76, no.3 (2001), 778-80.

These articles are posted here for individual use for research and teaching. They should not be distributed or posted to any other public website without the permission of the author and copyright holders. My posting of my own articles from Brill publications is consistent with the "self-archiving" policies in force and confirmed in writing by Brill representatives at the time I finalized and published my edited volume (2014-15).
If you wish to link to the articles, please link to this page -- not directly to the PDFs -- so that users see the copyright notices.

Updated Oct. 20, 2023